Our Rewards Program
Khanum's Rewards is our dedicated loyalty program that offers you access to a host of exclusive benefits, including Personal Shopper services, regular discounts and offers, complimentary express shipping and much more. Each tier is based on your yearly spend, with every item you buy counting towards your journey in becoming one of our most valued EIP customers, otherwise known as an Extremely Important Person.
How does it work?
1. Shop at Khanum's
You will automatically be enrolled into Silver tier when you spend £1000, and will be upgraded to the next tier once your spend meets the next threshold. Keep track of your progress on your Khanum's Rewards hub.
2. Track your progress
You will automatically be enrolled into Silver tier when you spend £1000, and will be upgraded to the next tier once your spend meets the next threshold. Keep track of your progress on your Khanum's Rewards hub.
3. Unlock even more rewards
You will automatically be enrolled into Silver tier when you spend £1000 and will be upgraded to the next tier once your spend meets the next threshold. Keep track of your progress on your Khanum's Rewards hub.
As your total spend increases, so do the services and benefits you can take advantage of.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
Free shipping across all tiers.
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